Get Fit Without a Gym

No gym required to get fit
Guest post by Jeff Turner
First, what does, “getting fit” really mean? No worries, here’s the answer; it depends. Seriously, it depends on your goals, time, gym or no gym, and do you have equipment or just body weight.
My daughter, Brianna (B) just committed to play lacrosse in college. She will be a junior in a few weeks so she has 25 months to prepare. Yes, I’m a proud father, but the point is she has a different view of “fit” than most of us. Playing at the D1 level takes big commitment, the good news is she has an awesome strength coach…and time.
What’s your definition of “fit?” And will your life allow your goals to come to fruition? If you’re one of those, “time-crunched” peeps that would love to be fit (er) or maybe run your best 5k, but just can’t fit the workouts or your runs in, I’d say we have a problem.
Hey! Not getting to the gym is no excuse. Personally, I’ve committed to do all my workouts out the gym for the month of August, I’m gonna get’em all outside, in my basement or hanging in / on the car port.
Push-ups, pull-ups, get-ups, KB swings, flipping tires, bands, and just pulling and pushing stuff can all yield outstanding results (I’ve used all of those movements with 12-71 year olds). Below is a video of B at the park — its just a 90 second circuit, but after 5 rounds it provided more than enough for that day. That’s 7.5 minutes — can you commit to 10 minutes, 4-5 times per week? Of course you can!
The next question is how do you start? How much should you do, and what are the progressions? If you need help starting, let me know. Because you’re a reader of I’ll tweak your program or get you started on the right path. When you fill out the short contact form, add Phitzone in the subject line.
If you’re committed, and willing to invest a little time (and be consistent), eat right, I promise and guarantee you’ll be amazed with your results.
Visit Jeff Turner at
Photo by Steven Michelau
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August 15, 2011 at 9:37 am
Jeff, great post! This really resonates with me.
I used to go to the gym on a regular basis. I had the time to commute to the gym, workout then commute back, shower etc.
Then I became a father and that time wasn’t there anymore. Unfortunately I stopped working out and made excuses why I couldn’t.
But that’s all they were, excuses. I finally decided to stop making excuses and use what I had available (my basement, a jump rope and some free weights)to get in shape.
I’m happy to say that it didn’t take long for me to get in the best shape of my life.
Everyone can workout, even if it’s only 5 minutes a few times a week. We can all find that time.
Working out could mean taking the steps instead of the elevator, doing a few quick pushups or air squats or getting outside and doing some yard work.
That 5 minutes a few times per week might not seem like much but compounded over time it adds up quickly. Plus that 5 minutes a few times a week could be a life saver, so, it’s definitely worth it.
August 15, 2011 at 11:56 am
I really like what you said about how five minutes adds up over time. Some fitness gurus forget that not everyone is at a level where they are ready to give even 10 minutes a day. This could be due to time constraints or weight issues… or parenthood! If you weigh 300 lbs, moving for just 5 minutes straight can be very hard. We need to meet our clients on their level, where they are at, and that often means starting with just a few minutes of movement every day. Thanks for keeping it real!
August 24, 2011 at 9:49 pm
That’s a great idea Todd. I’ve had some trouble lately making time to actually get to the gym. I don’t have a ton of equipment at home, but a bar, some plates, and an adjustable bench do the trick.
August 24, 2011 at 9:51 pm
Another great trick is to test yourself out at the nearest neighborhood park or school playground. You can’t do a ton of leg training other than sprints, jumps, and tabata squats, but that’s good enough if you want to take a month off from the gym.
August 24, 2011 at 10:02 pm
@SeekMass, you can do a hell of a lot of exercise with that equipment. You just have to use it.
@Project Swole, I love that suggestions. The school playground by our house is a great source of many workouts, as is the high school.
August 25, 2011 at 2:19 pm
Yes, playing at the park sounds like an awesome idea…..unless you’re an old man with no kids, then you might get the snake eyes…..
August 25, 2011 at 3:31 pm
LMAO Susan, that’s a VERY good point.